Ham Radio 2000 #2
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TrakBox ver 3.40a Jan. 20 '97 Checksum:E726,DEC4(Turbo code)
New feature
* AD2000 changeover support
RTC 1999/12/31 23:59:59 -> 2000/01/01 00:00:00 supported
* Added CAT control timing tuning for ICOM IC-821
IC-821 New released in the market has different CAT timing from ICOM
IC-820/970. Minor wait timing was introduced for ICOM CAT control.
* Introduced Rotator error timeout value
In main menu 6-4, you can configure the timeout time value for rotator
error. In most cases, 120 seconds will be okay. If your rotator needs
more time to turn from 0 to 360(AZ) or 0 to 180(EL), reconfigure
the value. These values are also configurable from STATION.DAT file.
Set rotor smoke protection ? [Y/N] y
Timeout value for rotator error [sec] : 120 <=
Auto recovery time from error mode [1-61 min] : 61 <=(*)
6 0 145.00 439.820 FM FM 120
^Timeout value for rotator error(sec)
(*) Automatic recovery time value 1-61 (min) accepted.
If value = 61(default), no recovery occurs until power on reset.
TrakBox ver 3.30i Jan. 04 '95 Checksum:46DA,B168(Turbo code)
Bug correction
* Bug in the real time tracking calculation when the previous years KEPELE
is used for the new years calculation.
TrakBox ver 3.30h Oct.10 '94 Checksum:F43C,0A42(Turbo code)
Bug correction
* Bug in Flip decision sequence which was note corrected in v3.30g
was corrected. This bug affected only on North start rotor.
=> G3RWL
TrakBox ver 3.30g Sep.28 '94 Checksum:F388,2E8A(Turbo code)
Bug correction
* Bug of TS-711/811 dual port control was corrected.
* Bug in Flip decision sequence in North start rotor was corrected.
=> G3RWL
Mic click pulse width now can be configurable from station data file.
=> VE1HD
TrakBox ver 3.30f Sep 04 '94 Checksum:0220,FE9D(Turbo code)
Bug correction.
* Bug of ADC/angle calculation in v3.30e was corrected
* Bug of parking function in single tracking mode was corrected.
TrakBox ver 3.30e Aug 20 '94 Checksum:D834, BBC5(Turbo code)
* Satellite selection.
Now, you can track the all satellites in the database. (Max 60)
At menu3-2, TrakBox asks you three options.
1.select by hand. 2.select all satellites. 3.upload FREQ.DAT file
At menu3-3, reload option, if you don't upload FREQ.DAT file and simply
send Ctrl-Z, the all satellites are selected.
In any case, only the top 15 satellites are selectable from front panel
SAT SELECT SW. (NOTE: some TAPR kits were furnished with 10 position
switches. Therefore the maximum number selectable would 10.)
* Host mode call from real time tracking.
In real time tracking mode, you can go to Host mode by "h" key.
host mode can set uplink/downlink freq/mode. If new frequency is set,
it is used for Doppler calculation base frequency. FD0 or FU0 host mode
commands disable the Doppler correction.
TrakBox ver 3.30c July 02 '94 Checksum:542D, 785B(Turbo code)
* Bug fix of ICOM CAT routine in v3.30b
=> TNX report JA0BCY
TrakBox ver 3.30b July 01 '94 Checksum:5199, 1597(Turbo code)
* minor bug fix
1.bug in Doppler compensation from keyboard or hardware SW.
Now, "-" key works correctly.
2.Parking value in flip state.
Now, every parking action uses non flip value.
TrakBox ver 3.30a June 01 '94 Checksum:81A8
* Flip mode operation.
Now, TrakBox supports flip operation for EL rotor. In previous version,
when the satellite cross the rotor stop point, Azimuth rotator must turn
360 degrees and hence, there were few minutes of signal loss. If your
EL rotator can turn 180 degree, by predicting the whole satellite course
and flip the antenna at AOS, there is no signal loss.
In menu 6-1 or 6-2, T_B ask you your choice.
Select: 1
ADC span value AZ: 0003 - 0875 EL: 0000 - 0937
Set flip mode operation for elevation rotor [Y/N] ? <=
Select: 2
ADC span value AZ: 0003 - 0875
AZ minimum value ? :
AZ maximum value ? :
Set flip mode operation for elevation rotor [Y/N] ? <=
ADC span value EL: 0002 - 0002
EL minimum value ? :
EL maximum value ? :
If you select flip operation, you must calibrate the EL rotor at 0 and
180 degree point.
Also, you can configure it from your station.dat file.
; 2-nd line (rotor ADC calibration)
; 2,Azimuth_mini,Az_max,Elevation_mini,El_max, Flip mode (F/null)
2 10 857 2 917 F
When flip operation is selected, TrakBox calculate the full course at AOS
and if crossing the AZ rotor stop point is detected, flip flag is set and
the EL rotor turns to 180 degree position. LCD displays "QRX Flip check"
* Assignment change for CN9-6 pin.
This pin was assigned as R-ladder/ADC for satellite selection SW. In this
version, this pin is assigned as hardware doppler compensation. If you are
using R-ladder/ADC for satellite selection, you must set it with s/w SW.
1 JA6FTL 27.391 128.657 50 SA 9600
|ADC/R-ladder select
South start
Also, you can configure it from menu4-1.
Select: 1
========= Station Elements ========
Callsign: JA6FTL
Latitude: +27.391
Longitude: +128.657
Antenna height: 50.00
Rotor start (S/N): SA <= S(outh)A(DC)
COM port baud: 9600
TrakBox ver 3.20e May.22 '94 Checksum:83E7
* Rotor error mode OFF for default.
Now, the function is OFF for default setting. From menu6-4, you can
chose three options for the function.
1. Set rotor smoke protection ? [Y/N] N
=> Rotor error function disable. (default)
2. Set rotor smoke protection ? [Y/N] Y
Auto recovery time from error mode [1-61] : 0 [10]
=> Even if T_B system enter error mode, it recover
after 10 minutes.
2. Set rotor smoke protection ? [Y/N] Y
Auto recovery time from error mode [1-61] : 0 [61 or more value]
=> No exit from rotor error mode except system reset.
It is configurable from STATION.DAT too.
6 0 145.00 439.820 FM FM 61
^^ 0 : Off the function.
10: 10 minutes for auto recovery.
61: No exit from error mode.
* Mic click pulse width and interval values are configurable from STATION.DAT
file uploading. I think the default value has no problem with TS-790 and
FT-736 but your TRX cannot catch up the speed, you can prolong the pulse
width and interval.
; 5-th line (Antenna parking and P_16 info.)
; 5,1/0(ON/OFF)[m][n],park-Az,park-El,rotor start EL value,P16 ON EL value,
; OFF EL value. m:mic click pulse width n:mic click pulse interval
5 122 210 0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0
||pulse width you can omit the width and interval value
|pulse interval for default setting.
parking ON/OFF
* Optimizing the code and EPROM space saved.
* Set priority tracking ("&" mode) in multi tracking mode as default.
TrakBox ver 3.20d May.01 '94
* Uplink frequency in memory
The selected uplink frequency is memorized for each satellite and
stay until you change it. => WA4SCA
* bug fixed in rotor limit value configuration.
* STATION.DAT file format was changed.
TrakBox ver 3.20c Apr.01 '94
* Minor change in priority multi tracking.
Change over to the prior satellite is done when the prior satellite elevation
reaches at 0 degree. =>
* Improved automatic step pulse generation at AOS for mic click RX.
Now, automatic UP/DWN pulse generation is done in multi track mode.
TrakBox ver 3.20a Mar.10 '94
* Function to disable the rotor error introduced.
By setting "0" to rotor timeout time, the smoke protection function is
=> WA2N and others
* TRX parking condition introduced.
From station data file, you can configure the TRX freq/mode at parking.
Enabling/disabling is set from menu6-4 or Station Data file.
* YAESU wide/narrow filter option introduced.
YAESUN/YAESUW is usable in station data file. default is narrow position.
* Bug in hostmode fixed.
Now, no problem with RealTrak interface.
=> W9IP and others
* Bug in NASA element uploading.
The first satellite (AO-10) is not read by the TrakBox system. => fixed
* Hardware +-50Hz Doppler correction supported.
You can use the CN9-pin6/8 for frequency correction and slew input.
CN9-pin6 => CAT correction UP by 50Hz step
pin8 => DWN
If CN9-7 is grounded,
CN9-pin6 => Slew UP by 50Hz step
pin8 => DWN
In real time operation, you can use three push button SW for the purpose.
Mic click signal from PSK modem can correction the CAT frequency.
Correction means "CAT frequency correction" and effective only in the
present pass.
Slew means RAM memorable correction value and is effective for all future
pass until you change it. You can see the slew value from satellite data
editor (menu3-1). Usually, PSK satellites need some slew when you reload
a new element.
* Real time tracking display format changed.
The doppler shift value presentation is changed as follow
+4560/+50 +4560:Calculated shift value
+50 : correction value with terminal +- key
or hardware correction.
* Antenna position monitor SW changed from CN9-7 to CN3-5
* Uplink frequency selectable in real tracking mode.
You can configure 4 different uplink freq. from frequency data file.
Also you can configure the frequencies manually from sat data edit
AO-16 437.050 145.900,145.920,145.940,145.960 usb fm mic no
UO-22 435.120 145.975,145.900 fm fm cat no
Each frequency must delimited with ","comma character.
In sat data editor, each frequency must be delimited with Space character.
ex. 145.900 145.920 145.940 145.960 [Return]
145.975 145.900 0 0 [Return]
In real tracking mode, "1","2","3","4" key is usable for frequency selection.
The uplink frequency is doppler corrected.
TrakBox ver 3.10a Jan.10 '94
* Auto exit from rotor error mode introduced.
In previous version, TrakBox cannot exit from rotor error mode except for
power on reset. This version can configure the timeout time for exiting
from error mode. You can set 0-60 minutes timeout time option in menu 6-4.
Default value is 61 and it means no auto_exiting. If no other reason,
I recommend you to use the default value. => DL1KG
* Minor change in mic step control configuration.
To detect the discriminator S-curve, push the DOWN button at menu 6-8.
=> AA7A
* Bug fix in initial uplink freq. set command at mic click mode.
Now, when starting mid-path tracking in mic click mode, TrakBox issues
Doppler corrected down link freq. and center uplink freq. commands.
TrakBox ver 3.10 Jan.01 '94
* TRX mode/freq. set at parking action introduced.
You can configure the mode and frequency of TRX at parking mode.
At menu 6-4, if the antenna parking is selected, TrakBox ask you
where TRX mode/freq set is set or not. If this option is selected,
TrakBox issues mode and frequency set commands at the start of parking
action. The mode and frequency information MUST be set at satellite
#15 position. In this case, the other kepele information of sat #15 is
not effective. One more thing you MUST configure is to set the CAT
command is issued only in AOS (menu6-7).
This function is useful when you want to watch the local repeater freq.
when the satellite is out of seeing.
* New key board commands.
In real tracking mode, you can use "I" to issue initializing commands
for TRX mode and frequency. Type "T" issues the TRX frequency tune commands.
* "Out of range" LCD warning was removed.
* Bug fix in initial frequency set command in mic-click mode.
Now, TrakBox issues the Doppler corrected frequency set command in mic-click
mode even if the tracking starts in mid-path. =>KB2MVN
* Bug fix of COM port.
Now, the impossible communication trouble of RS-232C COM port was solved.
=> Many users.
* Bug fix of RTC hopping.
When bus line garbage re-write the RTC resistor, RTC clock begins to run
extremely quickly and it doesn't accept time set words. Now, you can reset
the RTC completely by entering new time words from menu-5 or system reset.
=> Many users.
TrakBox ver 3.01beta_4 Nov.03 '93
* Bug fix in mic click pulse generation.
There was a bug that the opposite direction of pulse generated when the
FM discriminator has negative S curve detector characteristic. Now,
TrakBox judge the detector characteristic and generate proper UP/DWN
pulse. You must push UP pulse button when calibration in menu6-8.
(TNX report => KN4HH)
TrakBox ver 3.01beta_3 Oct.30 '93
* Station data uploadable from main menu-4.
Now, TrakBox can update the station data without system reset. You can
select EDIT/UPLOAD option from main menu-4. (TNX suggestion => DJ4EK)
* Minor tuning for Rotor Error time out time.
Some slow azimuth rotator causes fault rotor error action. The time out
time is prolonged a bit. (TNX report => DJ4EK,G6ZRU)
TrakBox ver 3.01beta_2 Oct.23 '93
* P16_OFF elevation value introduced.
You can configure P1.6 (CN3 pin-7) ON/OFF elevation value from STATION.DAT
When the object satellite elevation value reaches to P16_ON value (default
-4.0 degrees) at AOS, P1.6 sinks to LOW and when reaches to P16_OFF value
(default -6.0 degrees) at LOS, P1.6 rises to HIGH. OFF function is effective
after LOS and return to multi tracking mode.
(TNX for suggestion => EA4RJ)
5 0 270 0 0 270 90 0 45 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0
; | | | | | | | | | | ^P16_OFF EL value.
; | | | | | | | | | ^P16_ON EL value.
; | | | Limit ON/OFF | | EL start val.
; | | Park EL | | | EL limit max
; | Park AZ | | EL limit mini.
; Park ON/OFF | AZ limit max
; AZ limit mini.
* Bug fixed.
Rotator turn out problem at LOS reported from EA4RJ and EA3VO was fixed.
Every downlink frequency set command for ICOM is preconditioned by VFO
selection command. => DJ0UN
TrakBox ver 3.01beta Oct.10 '93
[New features]
* Antenna position monitor.
Any time in real tracking, you can monitor present antenna position by
grounding CN9-pin#8. LCD and Terminal displays present position.
* ICOM reverse destination addressing.
If you are using separate ICOM TX/RK, and you need reverse destination
addressed CAT command, you can define it from FREQ.DAT file. This function
is needed in changing J-mode to B-mode. You can define ICOM_reverse(ir)
word in the last column.
UO-22A 435.120 145.900 fm fm cat no in
^^ icom normal addressing
AO-21 145.987 435.016 fm fm mic no ir
^^ icom reverse addressing
* KENWOOD TS711/811 combination support.
If you are using KENWOOD TS711 and TS811 combination, this version fully
supports them. It needs two isolated CAT line and the alternate CAT port
is CN3-6(/PGME). You need polarity conversion with spare U6 inverter.
CN3-6 --> U6 --> CN4-3 --> TS-711(144MHz TX) J-mode
CN4-2 --> TS-811(435MHz RX)
If you want to operate B-mode(70Cm/TX, 2m/RX), you can exchange the
uplink/downlink ports by configuring in FREQ.DAT file.
UO-22A 435.120 145.900 fm fm cat no kn
^^ kenwood normal command port
AO-13B 145.900 435.500 usb lsb mic ma kr
^^ kenwood reverse command port
* You can configure TS-711/811 from STATION.DAT file or menu6-7.
; ^^^^^^^^^^
[Minor changes]
* Now, mode set command is issued at EL=0.0 too.
* Now, parking function is effective in multi tracking mode.
TrakBox ver 3.00a June 09 '93
[New features added after v3.00 release.]
* Rotator watch dog timer is introduced.
Without any ADC response for certain minutes, T_B instantly stops rotator
control and system halts after warning message. The limit value is 60sec
for EL and 120sec for Az rotator. This function is effective only in real
tracking mode and parking movement.
* Azimuth rotator speed control introduced.
When Azimuth error angle reaches within 3x(Az_dead_band), Port-C Bit-7
becomes low. With external option circuit, Azimuth stop position accuracy
becomes +-1.0 degree. I will release sample circuit diagram.
* One more option added for station control.
8031 port-1 bit6 (CN3-pin7) is activated to Low when the Elevation value
reaches certain value (p16_on_el). default is -4.0 and is configurable
from STATION.DAT file.
5 0 270 0 0 270 90 0 45 -2.0 -4.0
; | | | | | | | | | ^P16_ON EL value.
; | | | Limit ON/OFF | | EL start val.
; | | Park EL | | | EL limit max
; | Park AZ | | EL limit mini.
; Park ON/OFF | AZ limit max
; AZ limit mini.
With buffer and relay interface, TRX,PC can be SW on just before AOS and
off after LOS. One problem is sub horizontal pass.
Sample schematics by JA1OGZ is included in this archive.
* Tracking from Host mode.
Now, you can track from Host mode. "Txx" at host mode prompt instantly starts
tracking and rotor control. "Q" returns to hostmode prompt and stop rotor
SW (xx is satellite number). This interface may be convenient for T_B
control programming.
* Downlink doppler value round function.
Some FM TRX has 5KHz step and cannot accept freq. set command other than 5KHz
step.(YAESU FT-712 etc). You can round the doppler value by 5KHz. Respond "R"
at Downlink Doppler correction in menu 6-7.
* Kepele update appends function.
When you need one more kepele upload, for example STS-55, you can append the
element without reload the whole elements. The file format must be same with
the previous kepele format. After append the kepele data, you must select
the satellite by FREQ.DAT file uploading or by manually. If RS buffer is
T_B outputs warning message. Buffer size is 20Kb and this size is just fit
for 60 satellites with AMSAT format. To save the buffer space, remove the
garbage line from AMSAT format file.
* Mode set CAT command at EL = 0.
Repeat again the mode set command at EL = 0.0.
* SPC/BS key option.
In real terminal real tracking mode, space key and back space key can change
the object satellite.
[Bug fix]
* ADC display at menu6-5 (reported from ka7cmf)
* mode set problem in "&" mode (reported from 4x1as,dl1cr)
[Minor change]
* Switch over from &/! mode to * mode is now at P_16_ON EL value.
Default is -4.0 and user configurable.
* AZ rotor brake function removed.
This port will be used for Az rotor speed control in future version.
* At object satellite selection in menu-1,2,3-1,you can exit without selection
by simple hitting Enter key.
* At antenna calibration (menu6-1), you can exit by "Q" key.
TrakBox ver 3.00 Mar.28 '93
This is official release version from JAMSAT.
Minor bug observed in v2.17, v2.18 are fixed.
Improper action in North start with skew value. => fixed.
NOTICE! This version does not include rotor smoke protection. It is
under developing. Be careful when set the ADC value at rotation
edge (0/360, 0/90). If the error value at edge exceed dead band
value, rotor cannot stop.
TrakBox ver 2.17 beta Feb.20 '93
Added option for user selectable Uplink/Downlink Doppler correction.
From main menu 6-7, you can select [Y/N] for Uplink and Downlink Doppler
correction. Recently, I received a report that no uplink Doppler correction
is superior in throughput. I would like to hear your observation.
Default setting is ON/ON/AOS.
TrakBox ver 2.16 beta Feb.04 '93
Minor bug fixed.
In menu 4, simple return key at rotor start position and baud rate option
clear the value and return to ROM default (South,9600baud). => fixed.(EA5DOM)
TrakBox ver 2.15 beta Jan.27 '93
Bug fixed of az/el relay chattering in parking mode and skew mode. (DL1CR)
TrakBox ver 2.14 beta Jan.20 '93
Default Kepele data was updated for 1993.
YAESU FMN switch was enabled as default.
In Host mode, new command was introduced.
"?A" returns present antenna position. This is used by Real Track(W9IP).
Reported bugs were fixed
1.AOS LED problem in multi track mode. => fixed.
2.Rotor relay chattering problem in parking action. => fixed.
TrakBox ver 2.12 beta Dec.25 '92
Minor bug were fixed.
1.Bug in North start. => EA4PE
2.Minor change of LCD display. Az=>AZ, El=>EL.
TrakBox ver 2.11 beta Dec. 03 '92
1.Automatic step pulse generation at AOS for mic click RX.
At AOS, TrakBox calculate the step number and send step pulse for doppler
correction. With this function, Mic click RX can set the initial AOS
frequency for automation. This is done with following sequence.
F1: doppler base freq. F_AOS: calculated freq. at AOS
F_LOS: calculated freq. at previous orbit LOS
step_size:Freq. step
After satellite selection, F1 is set in memory and when the object
AOS, (F_AOS-F1)/step_size = pulse number. A series of up pulse with this
number are generated. At LOS of this satellite, F_LOS is memorized until
next orbit AOS. In next AOS, (F_AOS-F_LOS)/step_size is the pulse number.
This sequence assumes that the doppler correction is done perfectly in the
full AOS span. It will be done by T_B ADC or other analog AFC circuit.
Must set [Y] in menu6-8 and MIC click On in menu3-1, and Tracking on (*).
If proper step pulse are generated, you can see this in your terminal.
UP pulse:*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*............
(In this case, F1=435.120, step size = 100Hz then 97 pulse generated)
2. New AOS indicator port.
Now, P16 (CN3-7) reflects the AOS status. When the elevation value reach
to Blink angle, this terminal is become 0(GND) level.
In using this option, you need adequate interface to control the PC/TRX
power line. Using U6 spare gate for buffer is good idea.
3. Preset antenna control
Main menu 8-3, you can preset the antenna direction.
4. Other minor changes.
LCD display format changed. [Az 197.7 EL-12.9] => 4X1AS
User selectable step control polarity. Normal/Reverse by menu6-8.
GND active(for KENWOOD) is Normal and Floating active is Reverse(for YAESU,
need external pull up R).
TrakBox ver 2.09 beta Nov. 22 '92
1.Offset for F1/F2 introduced. This function is mainly for down converter.
If offset value is configured, Freq.CAT data is corrected with this value.
AO-13S 2400.730/-2256.000 435.620 usb lsb mic ma
In AO-13 mode-S, Using down converter with local oscillator 2256.000MHz,
the issued freq. set data is 144.730MHz(2400.730-2256.000).
/(slush)[+-][Offset_freq] is needed.
Default is 0.000. Configurable from menu3-1 and FREQ.DAT file.
2.Phase value display on LCD.
Now, LCD display format is automatically selected.
If defined as "ma" in FREQ.DAT file, the LCD display format is
[Axxx Eyy Pzzz.z] A:Azimuth E:Elevation P:Phase
TrakBox ver 2.08B beta Nov. 18 '92
1.Direct rotor control from terminal.
In main menu-8, you can control the rotor control SW by key.
"4" : Left
"6" : Right
"8" : Up
"2" : Down
"5" : Stop
any other key : return to main menu.
The antenna direction value is displayed on both terminal and LCD.
TrakBox ver 2.08 beta Nov. 13 '92
1.RS232C port.
Now, 1200/2400/4800/9600 bps supported. You can select the baud rate
in main menu 4 (Station Data). New rate take effect after power on reset.
Default is 9600bps. If CN9-pin8 is grounded, the rate is fixed to 1200bps.
* When first install of new ROM, sometimes the COM port rate is not
properly. In this case, remove the battery backup (JP13) and clear the
RAM data temporarily and power on again.
2.In realtime tracking mode, "?" key-in from terminal returns the object
satellite name.
3.The antenna control starts when the EL value reaches to a certain degree.
You can set this value from STATION.DAT file. Default is -2.0.
; 5-th line (Antenna parking, limit inf and rotor control start EL value.)
; 5,1/0(antenna park ON/OFF),park-Az,park-El,1/0(limit ON/OFF),Az-min,Az-max,
; El-min,El-max, ANT control start EL value
5 1 270 0 1 270 90 0 45 -2.0
; (with this configuration, antenna parking position is Az270, El0
; Antenna movement is limited within 270(West) - 0(North) - 90(East)
; and elevation 0 - 45 degrees. If you do not need limit, set the SW 0
; Antenna control start when EL value reaches -2.0 degrees.
TrakBox ver 2.07 beta Nov. 04 '92
1.Reported bugs were fixed
RTC hopping problem at xx:59:59 fixed ( => JA1OGZ)
2.Now, no need jumper-10.
3.Now, Standalone mode and Terminal mode were separated completely.
No key in from terminal is accepted in standalone mode.
4.[Phase] value is available in LCD display.
In main menu 4, you can set P(hase) option at Rotor start set.
SP or NP set the option. ( Mainly for AO-13 user => JH1AOY)
TrakBox ver 2.06D Oct. 28 '92
1 Minor change in main menu command.
M(ulti track) and S(ingle track) command from main menu.
P(riority track) toggle command in multi track mode.
Added direct antenna control command from main menu.
2.Reported bugs were fixed.
Rotator North start problem fixed ( => EA4PE)
NASA format file with header text problem fixed ( =>DL1CR,ZL1UNM)
Station data file updating problem fixed ( => DL1CR)
IC-970 freq. control problem was fixed ( => KA7CMF)
3 v2.05 and 8031/8051
v2.05 could not work properly with 8031/8051 due to embedded RAM size
problem => fixed.
4.Tracking mark
* : single track mode
! : multi track without priority
& : multi track with priority
5. [NOTICE!]
you must set jumper10(located near X-tal) 1-2. RTC send interrupt signal
by every 60sec vir this jumper for priority tracking calculation.
=> jumper set is not needed from v2.08
TrakBox ver 2.05 Oct. 18 '92
1.Added priority tracking function in multi track mode.
When priority flag is set in menu3-4, in the case of multiple satellites
are AOS, the TrakBox check the each satellite position every 1 minutes and
change the object automatically according to the priority order.
This function achieved by interrupt from RTC every 60sec.
you must set jumper10(located near X-tal) 1-2.
*beta version announce the priority check every one minute. This is a
temporary expedient for beta tester to make sure the function.
=> jumper set is not needed from v2.08
2.Improvement for YAESU CAT problem.
YAESU CAT system has bug. FT-736 can not set the same frequency for uplink
and downlink band. In the case of frequency change from AO-13 to UO-22,
it is needed to escape the RX frequency to another frequency band.
TrakBox solved this problem by setting the RX freq. to dummy 1296MHz band
in initial mode/freq. setting sequence. ( Thanks advice => DL1CR,JA1OGZ)
TrakBox ver 2.03c Oct. 05 '92
1.Host mode supported.
Main menu-7 lead you TrakBox host mode.
By sending ascii simple command from com port, TrakBox set the antenna direct
-ion(AZ/EL) and issue rig control command(UP/DWN mode,UP/DWN frequency and
user defined character) to TRX with it's word. Az/El value and command words
are displayed on LCD.
[Supported commands]
Azxxx Elxxx : Azimuth and Elevation (ex. Az220 El45)
MUxxx : Uplink mode (MULSB,MUFM)
MDxxx : Down link mode (MDUSB,MDFM)
FUxxxxxxxx : Uplink freq. (FU14595000 10Hz order)
FDxxxxxxxx : Downlink freq. (FD43590000 10Hz order)
Sxxx : any character. (STX;,SFN0;)
Q : return to main menu
? : help for command words.
?A : returns present antenna value. (v2.13-)
TrakBox ver 2.02j Sep. 15 '92
[Additional functions]
1.Multiple satellite tracking supported.
By menu driven configuration, max 5 satellites can be calculated at the
same time and if some satellite AOS, the control shift to single satellite
tracking mode. After LOS, the control return to multiple tracking mode.
This function can be set from terminal by entering 'M'(ultiple) in single
track mode and 'S'(ingle) in multiple track mode returns to single track mode.
In standalone mode, just change the satellite selection SW to 0(zero)
position toggles the mode.
To indicate the working mode, the tracking status mark is "*" in single track
mode and "!" in multiple track mode.
The satellite for multiple track must be selected as #1-#5(max) in selection
menu 3-2 and the number in menu 3-4.
2.Automatic assignment of satellite selection SW.
By uploading satellite info file(FREQ.DAT), the satellites are assigned
as selected satellite.
3.Antenna parking and Antenna movement limit.
Antenna parking position and movement limit can be set from menu 6-4.
4.minor change was done in STATION.DAT file format.
*each line need line number in the line head.
*additional line (#5) added for antenna parking and antenna movement
; 5-th line (Antenna parking and limit info.)
; 5,1/0(antenna park ON/OFF),park-Az,park-El,1/0(limit ON/OFF),Az-min,Az-max,
; El-min,El-max
; Each token must be delimited with tab or space character.
; For TrakBox JA6FTL Oct.05.1992
1 JA6FTL 27.391 128.657 50 South
2 8 859 1 442
3 3 1 0 0
5 1 270 0 1 270 90 0 45
5.RS-232C port 1200 baud supported.
At start up, grounding port-A bit7(CN9 pin8) enables 1200baud.
This is for remote control via land line MODEM.
[minor debug]
1.BS key full supported in deleting miss typed character.
TrakBox ver 2.01a June 25 '92
Bug in uploading the station element file was fixed.
TrakBox ver 2.00(dated May.10) May.10 '92
Minor tuning was done in RTC initialization. Now,no clock delay in
system reset.
TrakBox ver 2.00(dated May.02) May.05 '92
Minor tuning was done in mic_click operation. Initial CAT command now
issued at -2.00> EL >-3.00
TrakBox ver 2.00(dated Apr.30) May.05 '92
TrakBox ver 1.50d is released as official TrakBox code with the ver
number 2.00.
TrakBox ver 1.50d Apr.30 '92
1.Bug in calculation through Dec.31 to Jan.01 next year was fixed.
TrakBox ver 1.50c Apr.19 '92
1.Bug in uploading kepele file which has more than 60 satellite data was
Fixed. Thanks bug report =>JR1ING
2.Minor change in satellite list display.
5 satellites display in one line changed to 4 satellites each line.
3.Minor change was made for more reliable update in station information
uploading.(need line number at the first column)
TrakBox ver 1.50b Apr.18 '92
1. Station information updating by file uploading supported.
In menu-6-9, after system reset, TrakBox prompt you for station info
file uploading. Ctrl-Z returns previous menu without update.
Station information file format is as follow. Wish from many STNs
; 1-st line (station elements)
; 2-nd line (rotor ADC calibration)
; Azimuth_mini,Az_max,Elevation_mini,El_max
; 3-rd line (deadband and skew value)
; Az_dead_band,El_dead_band,Az_skew,El_skew
; 4-th line (CAT port configuration)
; CAT_rig,Full/AOS_control,ICOM_rx_address,ICOM_tx_address
; Each token must be delimited with tab or space character.
; Each line must be started from top column.
; For TrakBox JA6FTL Apr.14.1992
JA6FTL 27.391 128.657 50 South
8 859 1 442
3 1 0 0
2.You can configure CAT or mic-click Doppler correction for each satellite.
In menu3-1, select CAT or MIC option. CAT is default.
With this enhancement, one additional token is needed in freq/mode data
file. Wish from KD8SI,KC6YPM
AO-13 435.500 145.900 usb lsb cat
AO-16 437.025 145.940 usb fm mic
3.Bug fixed in manual rotor control (menu-6-6).
To down the elevation rotator, value 0 was not accepted in the old version.
Thanks bug report => KE0VZ
4.Minor enhancement in satellite selection list.
In menu3-2 the selected satellite is marked with '*'.
Wish from KC6YPM
TrakBox ver 1.50 Apr.12 '92
1. Frequency and mode data update by file uploading supported.
In menu-3,after uploading kepele data file, TrakBox prompt for
freq/mode data file uploading. The file format is as follow.
Wish from many STNs
AO-13 435.500 145.900 usb lsb
AO-16 437.025 145.940 usb fm
DO-17 145.825 0 fm none
WO-18 435.075 0 usb none
LO-19 437.150 145.840 usb fm
FO-20 435.910 145.850 usb fm
AO-21 145.983 435.016 usb fm
UO-22 435.120 145.900 fm fm
Satellite name is case sensitive.
Each line has 5 tokens delimited with space character.
Each line must be started at 1-st column.
2. Full orbit or AOS CAT control selection.
In the Radio port configuration menu, this option is selectable.
In AOS CAT control, the CAT command is issued in AOS state.
TrakBox ver 1.40a Mar.29 '92
1. Minor change in schedule display.
Scroll option can be selected.
2. Bug in Rotor lock at 180 deg. fixed
Sometimes, the rotator locks at 180 degrees position. fixed.
3. Minor change in satellite selection with ADC.
CN9-pin6 must be grounded in the case of ADC.
TrakBox ver 1.40 Mar.28 '92
1. Doppler correction for uplink frequency was supported.
F2 at menu 3-1 is the base frequency for calculation.
Every 500Hz shift of calculated frequency produce one CAT command.
2. YAESU CAT command enhancement.
YAESU CAT need adequate COM port transfer speed. YAESU manual request
50-200mSec interval in every CAT byte. But in real test, 10mSec is
acceptable. In TrakBox we chose 12mSec.
TrakBox ver 1.30e Mar.22 '92
1. Bug in YAESU CAT command in v1.30d was fixed.
2. Added optional selection for YAESU CAT.
In modified wider pass band FM filter for FSK(uo-22),
and replaced with original FM narrow band filter, downlink mode
must be set to FMN position. In menu 6-7, you can select this option.
Select FMN mode ? [Y/N] _
Any comment,bug report or proposal for TrakBox will be welcome.
de JA6FTL @ uo-22/ko-23 CI$: 71701,251